Researches focus on standardised architecture of various typologies which is characteristic of former communist states in Europe. This wave of standard and mass-produced architecture can be dated from 1950 to 1990.

We, team of REBUILD THE WONDERFUL were raised and grown up in the soviet spaces, which forces us to rethink the environment we are living in. Thus, we have started an independent research on soviet inheritance and its influence to one’s social generosity.



The majority of people (even the ones who didn’t live under Soviet Union pressure) grew up in a built environment formed without a human-centric approach. The impact of this physical environment can be still recognised on a social level.


Despite the fact that the places, time and people differ, the main impressions will be the same due to the standardised building system.


To understand the unconscious impact of typical spaces to our memory, well-being and habits.



People were invited to document their personal memories from the time they attended kindergarten. After collecting the drawings and written (or verbally explained) experiences from various people, the results and conclusions were made.

Task given to the respondents:

To draw a plan of the kindergarten from your memory. To indicate specific memories by drawing or leaving notes in order to reflect the emotion and feelings that are associated with the spaces of kindergarten.


H type kindergarten in Mažeikiai, Lithuania
memories from 2007-2012

“I added a lot of spruce trees, because we had such a small forest of spruce trees, but such big trees. They were so old and dead. We used to play inside them – it was like a natural playground.”

“The corridors were small, but very colorful – yellow, green, pink – there were lots of drawings everywhere.”

“In the last few years I went to kindergarten on my own because it was very close to home. I remember my parents used to look out of the window for me to go and then come and pick me up.”


H type kindergarten in Kaunas, Lithuania
memories from 1976-1979

“Each group of children had a room where they played, ate and slept… because the beds were folded and placed in wall cupboards.” “All the groups had their own playground outside, with a shelter and sandpit, which was refilled once a year. The new sand was a great joy!”


H type kindergarten in Vilnius, Lithuania

memories from 2002-2006

“I used to love being in the kindergarten, despite the childish sadness that came with having to say goodbye to my parents in the morning. The entrance to the kindergarten was very dark. Although through the dark stairwell and corridor I entered the already lighter changing room. There were two main areas in my group – the play room and the sleep room. Both spaces had windows facing the courtyard. My teacher Roma had her own room in the group, which we were very curious to enter, unfortunately, the children were not allowed there. Sometimes all the teachers would go there and chat in private.”


H type kindergarten in Vilnius, Lithuania

memories from 2007-2012

“I was a kid who loved going to kindergarten. I used to go every morning, I used to run to get ready for kindergarten. I had a very dear teacher there and I have a very fond memory of being greeted by the smell of pancakes in the kindergarten. There were these big long corridors, and they were quite dark, but there were drawings and pictures of the plays or the different kindergarten shows.”


I type kindergarten in Kaunas, Lithuania

memories from 2003-2007


C type kindergarten in Kaunas, Lithuania

memories from 1995-1999



This research of memory revealed the shared experiences of different users who attended different kindergartens at different times. Such as:

_ dark, long and scary corridors;
_ a fenced-off area and unfamiliar surroundings beyond the fence;
_ the disgusting colourfulness of the interior spaces;
_ the importance of the natural playgrounds and playing tools such as holes in the trees, leaves of the bushes, etc.;
_ disorientation in kindergarten spaces, regardless of personal group/classroom location.

Everyone is more than welcome to complete this task individually and send a scanned drawing to